Alright, I set up the bare-bones of server networking. It works, as in doesn't error out when you run it, but it's still lacking the FULL_UPDATE and any kind of handling of joining players.
Right now, I'm working on getting the client up to date with it, and maybe (with a lot of luck) we'll have a shared world by the end of this week.
If anyone wants to poke around the code to spot glaring problems, please do. There's one problem I'm aware of, and it's in networking/event.py:
class Client_Event_Inputstate(object):
eventid = constants.INPUTSTATE
def __init__(self, bytestr):
self.bytestr = bytestr
def pack(self):
packetstr += struct.pack(">H", len(self.bytestr)) # TODO: Implement a better system that doesn't require this length, because it shouldn't be needed.
packetstr += bytestr
return packetstr
def unpack(self, packetstr):
length = struct.unpack_from(">H", packetstr)
bytestr = packetstr[:length]
return struct.calcsize(">H")+length
Notice the TODO. I can't imagine a good system that stays clean and compatible with the rest (this shouldn't pack or unpack it, since that requires access on the game engine, which it shouldn't have, but without it it can't know the length of the event either), but this is a hacky fix.
Any ideas are welcome.
Also, a small design question: Is it ok if I make the Full update just have that information that the snapshot update doesn't, and rely on the fact that it'll never get sent without?
EDIT: Dammit, the system doesn't allow for this, because then knowing when to move SNAPSHOT_UPDATE to the back and when to leave it at the front would get complicated.
I'm just going to make the FULL_UPDATE handler call the SNAPSHOT_UPDATE one, and leave it at that.