Uh, if you make the sprites of the weapons yourself you can make sure that it isn't bitmixed. Currently the weapons are bitmixed when your aimdirection isn't 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees because of the rotation. There is probably another reason, i dunno.
You'd still need 180 different torso sprites for each class/weapon pair, which makes it both a pain to add and a pain to use later.
Removing bitmixing (something that's very hard to notice on that scale) isn't worth it imo.
This. If you make 180 subimaged sprites, not only will it take up an ungodly amount of time to fix the weapons we already have, it would, in the future, effectively ensure another sprited weapon will never be added. For example, lets say in the future you wanted to add one more sprited weapon to each class. The job without rotation suddenly becomes a monster, where instead of only having to make around 20 or so subimages (each class standing, firing, and potentially reloading) to requiring 1800 subimages, if you include quote. This is assuming you only want one alternative weapon per class sprited, if you want more, multiply.
So, in the long run, it will damage production of the game in order to correct a few weird looking pixels. Bad idea is bad idea.
Also, avoiding the issue by designing only cardinal directions/diagonals looks stranger than a little bitmixing anyways, suddenly you're no longer shooting from your gun. Plus, ugly aim snap and no more full gunspins.