New beta folks! We haven't been able to take care of everything yet (in particular, we will definitely still fix the two crash bugs before release), but here is what we have managed so far.
A reminder, please don't just paste bugs in the thread, but
report them at Launchpad! Otherwise we constantly have to search the thread for things that have not been fixed yet, and we can forget or overlook reports. Thanks!
Download here- Re-add haxxy rewards
- Fixed screenshot crash (Bug #874367)
- Prevented Medigun from rendering itself when its owner is humiliated (Bug #871499)
- Minigun adjusted such that the user must release the primary fire in order to begin reloading, even when out of ammo
- Updated gen_destroy's background for easier readability
- Adjusted DKotH force-endround conditions such that the hostTimer isn't reset too frequently.
- Now will only reset the timer when control point status makes a change via capture. Standing on a point will only stall the hostTimer
- Updated Readme.txt with information about new mode, new maps, removed information about .locator files, fixed an incorrect health value of Rocketman
- F10 no longer ends the game, but resizes and moves the window to its defaults now.
- Changed screenshot filename format to "YYYY-MM-DD hh-mm-ss.png"
- Implemented sorting for the lobby list (shows compatible servers first and sorts by name)
- Fixed medibeam draw position