So then do we buff his speed or his ammo? (Also, welcome to the forums Agent 0, enjoy your stay.)
Thank you Tibbles...
I owe you an apology. I was frustrated after loosing about eight matches in a row, primarily against a group of five players who were always on the same team, one of whom was running an aimbot sniper (seriously, if their gun swivels to follow a cloaked spy underneath their platform, it's pretty damn obvious). I suspect i may have been playing against a clan, which would explain their excellent coordination and teamwork, something you don't get in regular pickup games.
I logged back in tonight and played with the "changes" in mind. I remembered to let go of the firing button after I ran out of ammo. I stayed closer to my sentries, and re-evaluated where I put them, and I was more mindful of my ammo. And, you know what? I snapped right back up the charts. Yeah, I might not be the best, but I'm pretty damn good. I play under the handle "Oracle" usually.
As for Heavy: Buffing his total ammo would probably be best, though, i am not a game designer. and my ideas are purely from a self-interested standpoint.