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Author Topic: List of forbidden plugins and forms of plugins  (Read 19511 times)

Phantom Brave

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List of forbidden plugins and forms of plugins
« on: May 14, 2014, 04:09:47 pm »

Note that this applies to mods as well, except for specific cases.

Plugins of the following forms are specifically and absolutely forbidden from public distribution -- both for posting them, and asking to be sent them.

- Any form of "automatic" permanent banning plugin -- our community is too small to handle the social problems that this kind of server management causes.
- Any form of banning plugin that submits the ban to a database which other servers will read bans from
- Any form of cheat, hack, or advantage over regular players, which isn't expressly endorsed by the section moderators as not being such (e.g. Damage Indicator is in the most strict sense an advantage, but it's not against the rules)
- Any plugin which abuses another plugin's public database mechanisms, e.g. a plugin which gives you free itemserver plugin items
- Any plugin with which a client can cause a server to perform badly or cease functioning
- Any plugin whose sole purpose is to give other players on a public server grief as a client
- Any plugin which in any way reveals the private information of players to other clients
- Any plugin which contains material forbidden by the forum's global rules
- Any plugin which contains a backdoor which a developer or blessed individual may abuse to disrupt the functioning of the plugin or invade the privacy of a server or its users
« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 07:43:06 pm by Phantom Brave »
ladies and gentlemen i would like to announce that the fact of the matter is up that the fact of the matter is a fact and it matters
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