- Removing plugins from the game is not an option IMHO.
I would have agreed with you until about a month ago. To be honest plugins are the only reason I stuck around for so long, I had a blast coding my plugins and fixing others, but apparently very few actually cared, and I can always make a community version of the game with integrated client-side plugins toggleable in the options. Lorgan's chat is also obviously a must, so if I ever get the game to work properly that'll be my next step. I'd also include his DamageIndicator and a few others
- Use the GM4HTML5 1.0.218 as a classic GM. AFAIK it's pretty the same as 8.1.141, but its internal version of Windows runner is 8.1.218 and it supports the same VCS-friendly source format as Studio does.
I'm not sure that's an option, the Faucet extensions uses dlls so while they could be compiled to work in Linux I'm not sure about HTML5
Nice find, I'll be sure to replace the one we have, but right now I'm more concerned about actually getting the game to run
- This commit is not so beautiful too.
It should be pretty easy to determine if argument is required or optional from the code of script itself.
That commit was and still is required, in GMS optional arguments have to both be written as an array (argument[0] instead of argument0) and checked if they actually exist, which I did in various later commits. Also in the script header optional arguments are between square brackets
Unrelated: yeah the Menu API will have to be mostly rewritten, I'll try to reuse some code from
Vindicator's alternative menu mod